Providing ministry couples in crisis a chance to rest, renew and refocus on God’s plan for their lives. 

Our goal with Shepherd’s Rest is to provide a fun, relaxing time for pastors and their wives.  

Our personalized retreat for each couple is to help them gain a perspective about their ministry circumstances and to develop a plan to effectively meet those ministry challenges so they can ‘stay the course’ in what God has called them to do. 

We want you to feel appreciated, cared for and loved. 

  • Shepherd's Rest Testimony

    “I am grateful for my time at Shepherd's Rest. My wife and I were hurting and wounded by people we trusted in our church. I was ready to quit. A good friend connected me with Shepherd's Rest. Being able to unplug and just rest in a safe environment where we could share our hurts and be understood was refreshing. It was good to be reminded we were not alone and God wasn't done with us yet. We came back home encouraged and determined to continue serving the people of our church community. “

    “Since then, we have seen our church attendance triple and God transforming lives in multiple ways. I believe Shepherd's Rest was a part of God's healing process in us and preparing us for what He was about to do in our church community. I am thankful for the ministry of Shepherd's Rest and the healing time spent with them.”

  • Shepherd's Rest Testimony

    My wife and I were given awesome support, guidance, and encouragement through the ministry of Shepherds Rest. Their commitment to serving others with Christ-like compassion and genuine care was truly inspiring. 

    We were covered in prayer and given unconditional support during the retreat.  Both of us experienced a sense of hope and direction for our lives and ministry. We are deeply grateful for the love shown us through Shepherds Rest. Looking back, we can honestly say that our time made a lasting, positive impact on our lives.

  • Shepherd's Rest Testimony

    “Shepherds Rest was offered to us  in the midst of a personal tragedy. We were already struggling with ministry challenges and at that point in our lives we felt like giving up!”

    “We were truly blessed with a time to rest and think through our next steps. Our Shepherds Rest Hosts graciously help us create a plan to move forward and pointed us to resources that equipped us in our journey ahead.” 

  • Shepherd's Rest cares for Pastors and their wives.

Based in St. Augustine, Florida
Retreat locations in several cities.